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Custom Suits

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MOMO has a distinctive feature: the possibility to
manufacture customized 
suits per demand.
Customized and made to driver’s measure,
with a wide 
choice (all range of MOMO Racing suits)
 ofbase model to be customized, 
the customer can
decide design, colors, logos and features like the
of pockets / belt and the production of
boot cuff or navigation pocket, using

the competence of the Centro Stile MOMO.
Thanks to the latest production technologies,
it is possible to apply sponsor 
logos and
graphics not only with the classic
embroidery, but also using an 
printing method. 
Printing technology keeps
the suit weight 
almost unchanged,
providing the 
most vivid colors and the best
sponsor visibility at the same time.

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Suit Measurements

Colour Range


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